

Councils are professional local and regional groups which are chartered by ADDA.  Councils may consist of individuals from similar professional backgrounds or professionals from a wide range of backgrounds.  Members of the Councils meet on a regular schedule to their choosing.  This is a great way to expand your local network and improve professional relationships.

There is no financial charge for starting an ADDA Council.


What is an ADDA Council Print E-mail

An ADDA Council is a local organization made up of Professional, Educational, Associate, Institutional, Business and Corporate Members of ADDA.  Councils can be made ofmembers within a single company or to a regional council which would cover other company locations, including different companies within a geographical area.

Councils programs are the foundation ADDA has created to enhance the professional image of the design drafting/graphics professional.

Councils have regular meetings to promote or sponsor educational programs and provide opportunities for individuals members to network.  This may consist of talks presented by guest speakers, films or demonstrations on subjects related to design drafting/graphics, and field trips to local industry.  Other programs may consist of dinners, social events and fund raising projects for a specific purpose.  The key items are local participation and involvement.

Groups of qualifying ADDA members may organize and be issued a Council Charter upon request to the Corporate Office.  Based on the geographic location, specific situations, and local population, the ADDA Council Committee suggests 10-15 members but may issue charters with fewer members if requested.

Diversity is strongly suggested in within ADDA Councils to allow interaction between disciplines, software, operating systems, differences in industry standards and company requirements in within the design process.

To evaluate the possibility of starting a Local Council, you can download the "How to Start a Council" brochure and read more about the procedures.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Corporate Offices for more information at 731-627-0802.

How to Start an ADDA Council Print E-mail

Starting an ADDA Professional Council is a very easy process.  Just gather together a minimum group of 10 drafters and share the information you download from this site. 

Application & Downloads

Download Council Application

Download Council By-Laws

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