
)l( Architectural

This Section contains Architectural Publications.

Print Reading for Architecture and Construction Technology,
3rd Edition 2013     416 Pages    Paperback      Cengage

Authors       David A Madsen     Alan Jefferis
                      David P. Madsen    Tereasa Jefferis
ISBN-10: 1133127274            ISBN-13: 9781133127277  
Previous Editions: 2005, 1994      Retail  Price: $143.50

Print Reading for Architecture and Construction Technology,  3rd Edition, provides the knowledge and skills needed to accurately interpret blueprints for residential and light commercial construction. This easy-to-use text explores all facets of print reading, with examples and illustrations taken from actual architectural prints. You are provided with the information you need to create high-quality, standardized "real world" working drawings. In addition, this edition is fully updated with CADD-generated print reading examples, illustrations, and exercises that comply with the highest industry standards of computer-aided design and drafting.

Architectural Design and Drafting
6th Edition  2011   1088 Pages    Hardcover

Authors:  Alan Jefferis   David A Madsen   David P. Madsen
ISBN-10: 1435481623 
Previous Editions: 2005, 2001, 1996
Published Retail Price  $173.50

ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING AND DESIGN, 6E is the classic text for all architectural drafters and CAD operators, whether beginning, intermediate, or advanced. This full-color, comprehensive edition provides the basics of residential design, using various types of projects that a designer or architect is likely to complete during the actual design process and is written to meet the most recent editions of IRC and IBC. This book begins with information on architectural styles that have dominated the field over the last four centuries, followed by basic design components related to the site and structure. Commercial drafting, basic materials used for construction, common construction methods and drawings typically associated with commercial construction are all covered. An important feature of this best-seller is its step-by-step instructions for the design and layout of each type of drawing associated with a complete set of architectural plans, with projects that can be completed using either CAD or manual drawing methods. Readers will gain the knowledge needed to complete the drawings required by most municipalities to obtain a building permit for a single-family residence.

Architecture - Residential Drafting & Design 
11th Edition   2014   Hardcover   Goodheart-Wilcox

Authors   Clois E. Kicklighter  - W. Scott Thomas

ISBN: 978-1-61960-184-0

Retail Price: $106.64           School Price: $79.98

Architecture: Residential Drafting and Designprovides comprehensive instruction for preparing architectural working drawings using traditional and computer-based methods. The text also serves as a reference for design and construction principles and methods. Its highly effective around the design-building process, making the text easy to understand and appealing to students.

The new edition of this text has been extensively revised and features new chapters covering sustainable design and building sections. New chapter features include Green Architecture, Employability, Problem Solving Case Study, and Curricular Connections to expand on chapter topics, explain current trends, and promote student interest. Each chapter contains sample test questions for the American Design Drafting Association (ADDA) Drafter Certification Test to help students work toward earning professional certification.

The text has been enhanced with a new, colorful design and includes many new detailed illustrations to explain topics. Each chapter includes objectives, key terms, Internet resources, review questions, and suggested activities for individuals or small groups. Many of the chapter end activities are designed to give students experience working with computer-aided drafting and design (CADD) systems.




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