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)l( Civil - Survey - Landscaping

This section contains publications related to Civil, Surveying and Landscaping.

Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook
1st Printing  2003    Hardcover   McGraw Hill   750 Pages

Author   Robert O Parmley
ISBN  0-07-137607-0

Suggested Retail   $170.00

PUT A WEALTH OF INFORMATIVE ENGINEERING INFO RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS -- ALL IN A SINGLE, HANDY VOLUME! When it comes to civil engineering, handy access to the right schematics and plans can mean the difference between a winning idea -- and a concept that dies on the drawing board. That's why if adding efficiencies to your work as an engineer is essential, McGraw-Hill's Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook is the one volume you shouldn't be without.

Written by a noted engineering expert with lengthy consultative experience, Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook provides practical, step-by-step information on a broad array of engineering processes. From planning, materials, and design to bidding, construction, and more, this book will show how using a consistent organizational methodology will add power and quality to your work. Plus, the book also delivers:

* Practical charts, tables, plans, and other data encountered in everyday practice * Plan layouts from actual engineering projects * Source material from a wide variety of engineering projects * And much, much more!

Robust enough for civil engineers, contractors, technicians, and architects -- and still relevant for students pursing engineering degrees and certifications -- Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook will add a world of invaluable insight to how you do your work!

Packed with 900 informative illustrations!: PLANNING Technical Reports Project Scheduling Field Reconnaissance Surveying and Mapping Public Meetings Regulatory Approvals Cost Estimating DESIGN Title Sheet organization Buildings Water Supply and Distribution Fire Protection Wastewater Collection and Treatment Storm Water Systems Dams and Reservoirs Streets, Roads, and Highways Bridges Airports Athletic Facilities Trailer Courts and Campgrounds Retrofitting and Rehabilitation Specialized Projects Standard Details and Specifications BIDDING PROCESS Bidding Documents Advertising and Bid Openings Construction Contracts CONSTRUCTION Preconstruction Conferences Shop Drawings Safety, Inspection, and Testing Construction Staking Close-Out SUPPLEMENTAL Technical Reference


Field Engineer's Manual

3rd Edition

By Robert Parmley

Publication Date: Sep 24, 2001

ISBN:007135624X / 9780071356244

As an engineer working in the field, you can't bring along a library of technical materials for every problem that might arise. You need a compact portable reference containing the wide range of technical data necessary to conduct preliminary surveys ... solve field problems ... evaulate construction plans ... select building materials ... and deal with hundreds of other unpredictable situations.

For more than two decades, professional engineers, contractors, and project supervisors have turned to Parmley's FIELD ENGINEER'S MANUAL for instant access to reliable data on hydraulics
• erosion control
• drainage
• construction materials
• welding
• sewage collection
• water supply and storage
• fire protection
• energy and fuels
• geology and soils
• athletic facilities and more.

Completely revised, this Third Edition includes new sections on sewage treatment, streets and roads, and rope tying, as well as expanded and updated coverage of field inspection,, HVAC, surveying, drainage, safety and first aid, and much more.

Along with an attractive new layout that makes accessing information even easier, this complete working tool comes all-inclusive with over 400 illustrations, mathematical formulas, conversion tables, information on SI units, and a comprehensive cross-referenced index.


Civil Drafting Technology, 7/E 
2010 • Prentice Hall • Paper, 456 pp

Authors  David A. Madsen, Terence M. Shumaker
              David P. Madsen.

ISBN-10: 0135000688 
ISBN-13: 9780135000687

Suggested Retail    $116.00


Civil Drafting Technology, 7e is a comprehensive resource that uses a workbook approach to provide students with a broad understanding of civil drafting and a working knowledge of the basic topics of mapping. Thorough and complete, it instructs readers on how to convert engineering sketches or instructions into actual formal drawings; step-by-step layout methods; civil drafting layout techniques; types of maps; civil drafting and mapping symbols; drawing plot plans and plats; earthwork calculations and much more. Featuring the latest in CADD standards and applications, this text also includes chapter tests, map-reading exercises, and drawing problems to help students learn how concepts and techniques are used in actual civil drafting applications.