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)l( Civil - Survey - Landscaping


Civil Drafting Technology, 7/E 
2010 • Prentice Hall • Paper, 456 pp

Authors  David A. Madsen, Terence M. Shumaker
              David P. Madsen.

ISBN-10: 0135000688 
ISBN-13: 9780135000687

Suggested Retail    $116.00


Civil Drafting Technology, 7e is a comprehensive resource that uses a workbook approach to provide students with a broad understanding of civil drafting and a working knowledge of the basic topics of mapping. Thorough and complete, it instructs readers on how to convert engineering sketches or instructions into actual formal drawings; step-by-step layout methods; civil drafting layout techniques; types of maps; civil drafting and mapping symbols; drawing plot plans and plats; earthwork calculations and much more. Featuring the latest in CADD standards and applications, this text also includes chapter tests, map-reading exercises, and drawing problems to help students learn how concepts and techniques are used in actual civil drafting applications.