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Technical Illustrators & Artist

1.       Technical Illustrators plan, analyze, and create visual solutions to in a variety of artistic manners.  These technical and creative individuals may work under a multitude of job titles, but the end result lies in the delivery of a systematic artistic delivery of a product using a variety of tools and equipment.  They decide the most effective way of getting a message across in print, electronic, and other media using a variety of methods such as color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques.  Technical Illustrators are usually associated with the instructional assembly plans delivered with a consumer purchased product.  Simply put, they draw up the instructions to assemble your bicycle.

Technical Illustrators & Artists create art to communicate ideas, thoughts, or feelings. They use a variety of methods: painting, sculpting, or illustrationand an assortment of materials, including oils, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, pencils, pen and ink, plaster, clay, and computers. Artists’ works may be realistic, stylized, or abstract and may depict objects, people, nature, or events.

Technical Illustrators generally fall into one of several categories. Technical Illustrators sometimes create original artwork, using a variety of media and techniques. Multi-media artists and animators create special effects, animation, or other visual images on film, on video, or with computers or other electronic media.

2.       Technical Art Directors may develop design concepts and review material that is to appear in technical manuals, textbooks, periodicals, newspapers, and other printed or digital media. They decide how best to present the information visually, so that it is eye catching, appealing, and organized. Technical Art Directors decide which photographs or artwork to use and oversee the layout design and production of the printed material. They may direct workers engaged in artwork, layout design, and copyrighting.

3.       Technical Craft Artists hand-make a wide variety of objects that are used in a number of situations. Technical Craft Artists work with many different materials: ceramics, glass, textiles, wood, metal, and paperto create unique product or prototype.  Many Technical Craft Artists also use fine-art techniques, for example: painting, sketching, and printingto add finishing touches to their art.

4.       Fine Artists specialize in one or two art forms and may includepainting, illustrating, sketching, sculpting, printmaking, and restoring. Painters, illustrators, cartoonists, and sketch artists work with two-dimensional art forms, using shading, perspective, and color to produce realistic scenes or abstractions.

5.       Illustrators typically create pictures for books, magazines, and other publications and for commercial products such as textiles, wrapping paper, stationery, greeting cards, and calendars. Increasingly, illustrators are working in digital format, preparing work directly on a computer.

6.       Medical and Scientific Illustrators combine drawing skills with knowledge of biology or other sciences. Medical Illustrators draw illustrations of human anatomy and surgical procedures. Scientific Illustrators draw illustrations of animal and plant life, atomic and molecular structures, and geologic and planetary formations. The illustrations are used in medical and scientific publications and in audiovisual presentations for teaching purposes. Medical Illustrators also work for lawyers, producing exhibits for court cases.

7.       Cartoonists draw political, fr-meds.net, social, and sports cartoons. Some cartoonists work with others who create the idea or story and write the captions. Most cartoonists have comic, critical, or dramatic talents in addition to drawing skills.

8.       Sketch Artists create likenesses of subjects with pencil, charcoal, or pastels. Sketches are used by law enforcement agencies to assist in identifying suspects, by the news media to depict courtroom scenes, and by individual patrons for their own enjoyment.

9.       Technical Sculptors design three-dimensional artworks through the use of CADD/CAD and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) or milling type machinery.  These Technical Sculptors may also use either by molding and joining materials such as clay, glass, wire, plastic, fabric, or metal or by cutting and carving forms from a block of plaster, wood, or stone. Some sculptors combine various materials to create mixed-media installations.   Although many new products and systems are available to assist the Technical Sculptor, hand artistry is still an important aspect to the job.

10.   Printmakers create printed images from designs cut or etched into wood, stone, or metal. After creating the design, the artist inks the surface of the woodblock, stone, or plate and uses a printing press to roll the image onto paper or fabric. Some make prints by pressing the inked surface onto paper by hand or by graphically encoding and processing data, using a computer. The digitized images are then printed on paper with the use of a computer printer.

11.   Multi-media Artists and Animators work primarily in motion picture and video industries, advertising, and computer systems design services. They draw by hand and use computers to create the large series of pictures that form the animated images or special effects seen in movies, television programs, and computer games. Some draw storyboards for television commercials, movies, and animated features. Storyboards present television commercials in a series of scenes similar to a comic strip and allow an advertising agency to evaluate commercials proposed by the company doing the advertising. Storyboards also serve as guides to placing actors and cameras on the television or motion picture set and to other details that need to be taken care of during the production of commercials.